
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Glory in the Highest!

 What an amazing night we had last night! God could not have given us a more perfect time together as a group. 

We gathered late in the night at a field in Canton to watch with amazement the heavens before us. It was the night of the annual Geminid Meteor shower but we got so much more than that.

 With a beautifully dark night and an almost full moon, we watched as the meteors streaked across the sky. They were gone before anyone could shout, "I see one!" The moon did hinder the amount we could see, but it was beautiful in its own right.

Mr. Kramer and Mr. Hanback, armed with telescopes, ipad and the "Star Walk" app, shared with us just what we were looking at in the sky.  Many constellations were visible including the Big Dipper, Orion, Gemni, Taurus and the stars Sirius, Betelgeuese, and the planet Jupiter. After our great astronomy lesson, we had another awesome devotional time.

Warren shared with us the story of the Star of Bethlehem. Through research and technology, Christian astronomers have come to some very awesome conclusions about the star that announced Christ's birth. 
The principle players were not all stars but actually the planets Jupiter and Venus, the two brightest planets in our solar system. 
Jupiter made a journey through the constellation Leo and miraculously circled the star Regulus, which is near the heart of the lion, as if to place a "Crown" on the King star. Venus then joined in to form a conjunction with Jupiter and thus created the brightest light ever shined on the earth. Interestingly, Jupiter represents the father or the principle god of the Romans and Venus represents the mother or in the Greek, the bearer of light. How appropriate for these planets to participate in the greatest event in history! Do you think it was coincidence? No way! God is a God of great detail and He orchestrated this perfect combination just as He wanted it done. He used His creation, as He intended, to be signs that pointed to Him.

There are 5 main points to remember about the Bethlehem Star:
1. Coronation of the King of Kings- Jupiter crowned Regulus through retrograde motion
2. Lion of Judah-  took place in the constellation Leo
3. Birth of the King- Venus is the mother planet and the bearer of light
4. The brightest light ever seen on the earth-  Light of the World, through Jupiter and Venus conjuncting
5. A Southern Star- the southern kingdom of Judah where Bethlehem is found.

If God cares so much about the details of this "star" how much more does He care about you! 

Check out the following links: and Louie Giglio's star sounds

Nature singing How Great is our God-louie giglio

9 months ago

1 comment:

  1. OK sorry, I forgot the verse:
    The heavens declare the glory of God and the skies proclaim the works of His hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. Psalm 19:1-2

    the link to the star page is
