DeSoto Falls was the perfect place for our first hike. One trail led us to a small waterfall and a second to a much larger, higher fall. The air was cool and clean and everyone felt so good to be out enjoying God's nature.
Along with our great hike, we had a bit of a history lesson too. DeSoto Falls found a place in the history books when some armor belonging to the explorer Hernando DeSoto was found in the area. This gave us a great lesson for our devotion time about doubting. Many folks doubted that the armor was DeSoto's until a second piece was found and offered more proof. This is similar to the way many people have doubts about Jesus and God and are looking for more proof. Jesus tells us to go out into the world and tell others about the great news and baptize those who believe; many signs will accompany those who believe. Mark 16:15-18